Keep This Communication Tool In Your Toolbox

When the California Association of Landscape Designers invited me to graphic record their task force meeting, I was delighted to collaborate with another visual industry. It’s fun to work with people who, like me, think with a pencil in hand. But then again, isn’t every industry visual?

I’ve found that whether I’m working with big pharma or a small non-profit advocacy group, when everyone comes together around a single vision, progress can be made much faster. Having a visual that highlights opportunities, challenges, roles and actions gives everyone a tool in their communication toolbox that can be quickly referenced and shared.

APLD summed it up so nicely in their spring newsletter:

“It’s one thing to read through minutes of a meeting, but this was a new and fascinating experience to see Alece capture everyone’s input right before our eyes, as we shared ideas.”

“As a result of our graphic recording by Alece, the Task Force is taking action and building upon the priorities, concerns and opportunities captured in the illustration. “

If you’d like more detail about how APLD and I partnered to make their workshop a success, check out their latest issue of APLD Design Online (pg.4).