Life Starts At The End Of Your Comfort Zone

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to be with people you love, whether in person or on the phone.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I'd like to share highlights from a conversation with Chef Jose Andre with the World Central Kitchen. One of the perks of being a graphic recorder is that I often have a front row seat to conversations with some of the world’s most influential people, and this one is definitely worth sharing.

Below are six takeaways from listening to him that might inspire you too.


Life starts at the end of your comfort zone; it’s how you’ll grow and how you’ll help others. With so many of us at the end of our comfort zones right now, it's nice to look at life in such a positive way.

  1. You’re as good as the people around you. Chef says he “believes in shorter walls and longer tables.” Bringing people together is what makes a better world.

  2. Charity should be about the liberation of the receiver; too often the focus is on the giver.

  3. Make time to enjoy yourself. His example is to take the time to watch the sunset. It doesn't cost anything.

  4. Invest in sustainable solutions. Make money without burning the forest behind you.

  5. When we work together we can help the world.

The World Central Kitchen has provided over 30 million meals in more than 400 cities. They’re also partnering with restaurants - providing jobs for their staff and for delivery drivers. Click here to learn more or to donate to provide meals for families in need.