Back To Basics

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the easiest to overlook.

I recently worked with a client who wanted a way to draw people in at their event, engage them in an activity, and collect valuable data at the same time.

The solution? A collaborative coloring wall.

Attendees were invited to color a window in a skyline I drew during the event. The colors represented clouds they’d like to activate and the buildings represented different categories.

Good old fashioned color coding provided a way to easily glance at the mural and see which clouds stood out in which categories. Sure they could have gathered that same data in a survey, but that wouldn’t have given them the opportunity to talk one-on-one with their clients about why they chose that particular cloud and how they could be of further service.

In this high tech world picking up a marker and coloring is nostalgic and relaxing, and in this case became a meaningful way to engage with clients.

The next time you’re looking for a way to create more engagement at your event, try going back to basics and keep it simple.