One Easy Way To Boost Engagement

You're on the home stretch, just about to wrap your best event of the year. People are filled with new insights, knowledge and information. So how can you keep that momentum going?

Setting up for a gallery walk at Foster America’s annual convening in Denver, CO.

One easy way to end with a bang is to wrap your event with a gallery walk. It's the most engaging way to remind participants of the inspiring ideas they've heard from your powerful lineup of speakers, as well as insights from their brainstorming sessions.

The best person to host the gallery walk is the graphic facilitator, since they were actively listening and capturing the key points of each session.

Include 15 minutes in your closing session for them to walk attendees through each mural and review the event's highlights. If your meeting was hybrid or virtual, even better since the visuals unite all participants as they reflect on their learnings together.

Continue the buzz by including the digital graphics in your next newsletter. People will tap back into the excitement they felt at the event as they review the visuals and share them with their teammates.

And since you have them, use those graphics to promote your next event too!

Wishing you all the best as you wrap up 2022,
