Knowledge Is Power

With spring conference season fast approaching, I want to share one powerful way to gain knowledge about your organization's culture at your next event.  And you guessed it, using visual language is the key.

Of the many ways to use live graphic recording at events, my favorite is collaborating with participants to create a Knowledge Wall.  It's a fun way to bring them into the visual experience, and it's equally effective created in-person or virtually.

Knowledge Walls are created by asking a question or collecting stories around a topic, synthesizing and theming the responses, then turning them into an illustrated mural. Content can be collected through a survey sent in advance of the event, or by posting a question on a large board for folks to answer on stickies.

Drawing live throughout the event gives participants an opportunity to check in with me on breaks and add more ideas to the mural. 

Virtually, the in-progress mural can be screen shared during breaks and at the end of the day.

More often than not my clients are surprised by at least a few of the themes that emerge, giving them powerful insights into what their people are thinking.

The end product is a beautiful mural that everyone has a stake in and will continue to refer back to all year.