Remote Graphic Recording

Get the benefit of graphic recording without the onsite or travel costs.  All you need is a computer with a screen share app, a projector and a microphone. Here's how it works:

Tether your computer to a projector in the room where your workshop or conference is taking place. Better yet, have TWO projectors with large screens; one in the front of the room and one in the back.

Invite the graphic recorder to share their desktop using a screen share app such as joinme or webex. Once the screen share is initiated, what's on their computer screen will also be on yours, and yours is tethered to the large screen in the room.

Make sure the speaker uses a microphone and they can easily be heard by the graphic recorder who is listening on the phone.

The graphic recorder listens to the session from their land line using a headset. They will draw what they're hearing just like if they were standing in the room working on paper, except in this case the drawing is being done on their computer. The audience watches the session come to life in pictures, in real time on the screens in the room.

We will send you a jpg or pdf file of the finished map just a couple of hours after your session ends!